Thursday, March 4, 2010

Worksheet Dilemma....

Like many teachers, I use worksheets to supplement and test what the kids are learning. While Denver enjoys reading books, he detests worksheets and lets me know each time I hand him some. Today I gave him a packet of worksheets to test him on recall on a CD he listened to about the Assyrians. He groaned as usual. Interestingly, what he did then was grab the globe hanging above my desk and proceeded to spend 10 or 15 minutes looking at Israel on it and ancilliary comments. We ended up having an impromptu learning session. Then he moved on to Russia, thinking about the 2014 Winter Olympics, and so got a geography lesson with that too.

It just struck me that that is how learning often happens in homeschooling. The worksheets don't click, but we have other learning materials around that the kids can get involved in. They have the time to pursue information in other ways than just what I present. I do wish I had more time and motivation to make all learning more interactive and hands on for the kids (our dream is to travel the world to learn history and geography!) but I don't. I do try to keep worksheets to a reasonable level though. (sigh) Seems like some things you just need a worksheet for, though!

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