Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Dissecting a Mouse

Well, science happens, whether I am looking for it or not!

Last fall our cat was catching plenty of mice, and the thought of having my kids dissect it was--ewwww. Gross! Something has changed, for when Denver found a dead mouse in the house this afternoon, my first suggestion was to have him dissect it. I popped on Google and found mouse dissecting suggestions ( and away he went! Denver even took a picture, which I'm not going to post here and gross you out.

Now I feel like science is one of our weak areas that my kids are interested in, but not the intensive book-learning way. So this mouse dissecting opportunity was perfect: a hands-on activity! Denver found it intensely interesting, and I'll bet not many other 4th graders have dissected mice at home....probably because their mom's couldn't stomach it!! So this homeschooling thing has given me a new perspective on learning: take it when it falls in your lap (or dies in your house at the hands of a cat!).

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